Population Growth for Sustainable Future was organised by RJS PBH on 7th July2024.

" Population Growth for Sustainable Future was organised by RJS PBH on 7th July2024.
Tribute was paid to Late Ramvriksh Singh Kushwaha,the father of Rajendra Singh Kushwaha.
New Delhi.Uday Kumar Manna
, Founder and National Convenor, RJS Positive Media RJS PBH today, Sunday the 7th July, 2024 organised the 233rd Zoom  Webinar on " Population Growth for Sustainable Future.  The Webinar was Co-Organised   in the memory of Late Shri Ram Briksh Singh Kushwaha by Mata Ramrati Devi Mandir Krishak Pryogshala Evam Krishak Paryatansthal, Kandherpur, Gazipur, Uttar Pradesh. Among those who were present were the following:
Prof. Sanjay Roy, Head, Department of Social Work, Delhi University, was Chief Guest; 
Dr.Aniruddh Kumar, Associate Prof.and Head of Deptt. of Geography, TM Bhagalpur University, Bhagalpur, Bihar, was Guest Speaker;
 Dr.Shailesh Kumar, Asstt. Prof., Department of Geography, Jaiprakash University, Chhapra, Bihar, as Guest Speaker. 
Shri Manohar Manoj, Economist and Sr. Journalist, moderated the discussions. 
Among the participants were Ms Sushma, sister of Shri R S Kushwah, joined from Hyderabad.  Shri Satender- Tyagi,Shri Sudeep Sahu, Shri Sinha and others participated in the interactive session of the Webinar which went into many aspects of the strengths and weaknesses of an enormous population. Of course, the 8 billion people present in the world, in which India with its 1.4 billion people, have to be provided the necessities of proper living, be it their education, gainful employment, food and nutrition, water for drinking and other requirements, and other modern amenities that are rightfully expected by the people who together contribute to society in numerous ways, and of course, it the duty of all, wheher Govt., NGOs, etc, to ensure raising the standard of living. However, population growth in view of the limited resources of the planet is a serious challenge before all including policy makers. As Mahatma Gandhi observed that there is sufficient for everyone's need but not for greed. It was observed in the deliberations that if the standard of all in developing countries were to rise to the affluence of the most advanced countries, it will be an unsupportable burden on the various resources, and the ecosystem, already under severe strain will collapse. It was a sane voice in the webinar that when one considers the advantages and disadvantages of large populations, the disadvanges would seem to outweigh advantages.

The importance of sex education in schools, the necessity of empowering women to rightfully participate in all decision-making, learning from the equation between poverty and fertiltiy, the need for media to raise awareness of the benefits of small families, as RJS PBH is doing in this webinar, learning from the situation in other populated countries, the need to realize the baneful effect on limited resources by senseless consumerism that characterises the increasing urbanisation everywhere, and other aspects that throw light on the issue in question were deliberated upon in detail in the webinar, and it was stated that all concerned and policy makers ought to heed the seriousness of the consequences outlined in the RJS PBH 233rd Webinar
in the context of World Population Day (11.07.2024).

Shri RS Kushwaha thanked all participants for their views and reminsced on his father Shri Ram Briksha Kushwaha and his mother. 

Shri Uday Kumar Manna, Founder, RJS PBH positive media assured all that the  positive platform invites all positive persons in its programmes to spread positive messages in society. He apprised RJSians of forthcoming programmes, and the Webinar concluded with effective message to society.



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